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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 3 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 281
Today's Topics:
C compilers
Gateway to GEnie
GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP?
Mac Emulator, what to buy? (2 msgs)
More on the Gemini desktop
Saving the menu bar
Date: 4 Mar 90 04:56:39 GMT
ucs.cs.fsu.edu!boyd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: C compilers
Message-ID: <9003040457.AA28637@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu>
In article <25F02612.3980@paris.ics.uci.edu>, ehood@ics.uci.edu (Earl Hood)
> I want to get a C compiler for my Mega. But I do not know which
>compilers are good ones. Can anybody recommend any good compilers at
>reasonable costs.
>Earl Hood (UC Irvine) -------------------------------> ehood@paris.ics.uci.edu
> When in doubt Reboot!
I am getting ready to do this myself. All indications point to Prospero C
as the best choice in my book (ANSI standard, real support, good docs, complete
language family to work with). I suggest both to myself and you, however, to
try the two PD C compilers, Sorbon and GNU. I have seen much net buzz on them,
but I do not know if they are complete (ie GEM library, ability to use from
GEM instead of a command line interpreter, etc). When I say complete, I mean
the ability to create stand alone GEM, TOS, and TTP applications easily.
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it."
mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 3 Mar 90 23:23:26 GMT
From: mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin!depeche@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Sam Alan EZUST)
Subject: Gateway to GEnie
Message-ID: <2347@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca>
Now that there is supposedly a gateway to GEnie, how can I send
e-mail to someone with a GENIE account from my internet account
S. Alan Ezust | depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca
McGill University School of Computer Science | Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 90 23:11 EST
From: STJLHI33%wooster.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: GEMINI
in INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #279 swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!
ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!cs325ec@ucsd.edu writes:
> Anyone try out Gemini yet? I run Gemini.prg after booting
> with either AMCGDOS or GPLUS and get two bombs...???
> Anyone got it to work want to comment? I tried removing
> every auto prg and acc save amcgdos and shell0... No luck.
> Went through the configs... set it for drive C: still
> no luck.
> Damn, I really wanted it to work... Is it any good in
> a 1040 anyway? (Memory usage?)
> Thanks for any tips
> -- Greg
GEMINI crashed on me the first time I tried to run it (two bombs). After
running shell0 it worked fine. Since then it has worked whether I run shell0
or not. Would someone explain just what shell0 does?
Overall, GEMINI has just about everything I've been wishing for in a graphic
shell. Kudos by the ton. I have encountered three problems that are slightly
1. If the mouse cursor is on the menu bar when exiting from the
shell the mouse starts leaving crud all over the place
2. I think I don't have it configured quite right, since I get a "this
application could not find file" when I quit back to the (standard, boring)
3. Timeworks DTP quit back to GEMINI suddenly after printing a file.
GEMINI then quit back to the desktop, which locked up. This has only happened
once, and I haven't had time to try to duplicate it. (I've only had GEMINI for
about, what is it? 23 hours now.) I hope this is not caused by AMCDOS. Not
only does it speed up GDOS text, but bitmap drawing is _much_ faster and
These aren't really GEMINI problems
4. Whenever I try to load GEMINI or UNITERM fonts into the FONTZ!
program they always end up chopped horizontally, with offset character
boundaries. What is causing this? Is there a better font editor that doesn't
do this?
5. Is it possible to create your own custom icons for GEMINI? This is
probably in the dox, but I don't know German.
Jason Steiner STJLHI33@WOOSTER.BITNET Kyrie eleison
Date: 3 Mar 90 20:26:32 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!harrier.ukc.ac.uk!gos.ukc.ac.uk!dac@uunet.uu.net (David Clear)
Subject: GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP?
Message-ID: <2856@gos.ukc.ac.uk>
In article <16000017@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> cs325ec@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
> Anyone got it to work want to comment? I tried removing
> every auto prg and acc save amcgdos and shell0... No luck.
I also got a bus error (2 bombs) on running Gemini. I ran it with the MonST
68000 debugger and found out it was accessing priviledged memory. I set it to
supervisor mode and let it continue. It then announced that it doesn't work
with TOS releases below 1.2 :-(
I've had my STFM quite a while and, depending on what program I ask, I either
have 1.08 or 1.00 (I think it's the former).
Oh well... better go out and buy Rainbow TOS :-) (I wish I could afford it!)
% cc life.c | David Clear <dac@ukc.ac.uk>
% a.out | Computer Science, University of Kent,
Segmentation fault (core dumped) | Canterbury, England.
Date: 2 Mar 90 18:54:33 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma!nickw@uunet.uu.net (Nick Watkins)
Subject: Mac Emulator, what to buy?
Message-ID: <2309@syma.sussex.ac.uk>
We have a 1040 ST here in the lab at Sussex, and will shortly have a few more.
We are interested in buying a Mac emulator, and we gather that those which
use Mac roms are better than "pure" software emulations.
1) Is this correct?
2) Where do we buy said emulators (UK or USA preferred)?. (Names of the
product etc. also needed).
Email please, as I'm sure this is an FAQ and I can't read the ST group
regularly (too big).
Dr. Nick Watkins, Space & Plasma Physics Group, School of Mathematical
& Physical Sciences, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, E.Sussex, BN1 9QH, ENGLAND
JANET: nickw@syma.sussex.ac.uk BITNET: nickw%syma.sussex.ac.uk@uk.ac
Date: 4 Mar 90 05:01:43 GMT
ucs.cs.fsu.edu!boyd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Mac Emulator, what to buy?
Message-ID: <9003040502.AA28710@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu>
In article <2309@syma.sussex.ac.uk>, nickw@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Nick Watkins)
>We have a 1040 ST here in the lab at Sussex, and will shortly have a few more.
>We are interested in buying a Mac emulator, and we gather that those which
>use Mac roms are better than "pure" software emulations.
>1) Is this correct?
I think the real dope on that is that one cannot copy the Mac roms onto a
disk without risking an immediate (they have shown the willingness) lawsuit.
>2) Where do we buy said emulators (UK or USA preferred)?. (Names of the
>product etc. also needed).
Dave Small's GCR is probably the way to go, since it is the only one I know
of that reads Mac disks directly. For that matter, I think Aladin has gone
out of business, which only leaves the Magic Sac (old Dave Small hack),
Spectre 128 (much better Dave Small hack, everything the GCR is without the
disk compatabiliy), and the GCR. Also, Magic Sac is no longer supported
by Dave (a company change).
>Dr. Nick Watkins, Space & Plasma Physics Group, School of Mathematical
>& Physical Sciences, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, E.Sussex, BN1 9QH, ENGLAND
>JANET: nickw@syma.sussex.ac.uk BITNET: nickw%syma.sussex.ac.uk@uk.ac
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it."
mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 4 Mar 90 05:20:35 GMT
3@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Craig Pratt)
Subject: More on the Gemini desktop
Message-ID: <3458@caesar.cs.montana.edu>
After reading the info I included with the Gemini posting, I realized I
forgot to mention a couple of things:
- Gemini does NOT run with versions of TOS previous to 1.2. I'm starting
to take 1.4 for granted, seems Stefan Eissing (the author) took it for
granted as well in his posting. Gemini is another good reason to get
TOS 1.4, believe me.
- I accidently included *my* desktop configuration in the distribution.
It is not very exciting and does not illustrate everything that can
be done on the desktop. If there is a demand, I will try and dig
up the original gemini.inf file. Sorry 'bout that!
- I forgot to mention that Gemini seems to support a limited naming of
volumes. For instance, if you name a certain disk and drag it onto
the desktop then remove the disk from the drive, the next time you
attempt to open that disk, it will tell you to insert volume whatever
into to the drive. This may work for files as well. I'm not sure
on exactly how to do it right now 'cause I'm not at home. Experiment.
At worst, you might only reformat your hard disk. (only a joke |~) )
Boy, if I'm not careful, I may learn everything about this program before
I get the English documentation; I doubt it though. Please post or email
ANYTHING you learn about this program! I am willing to help answer questions
about Gemini and I'm sure there are a few. I don't know the memory require-
ments of Gemini but it *should* run in 512K. The key is having the right
version of TOS. Hope this helps somewhat!
/ Craig Pratt / Montana State University, Bozeman MT /
/ Craig.Pratt@msu3.oscs.montana.edu / The ST-ranger in a strange land /
/ " There's a lot to be said for a blow to the head. " - Blue Oyster Cult /
/ Craig Pratt / Montana State University, Bozeman MT /
/ Craig.Pratt@msu3.oscs.montana.edu / The ST-ranger in a strange land /
/ " There's a lot to be said for a blow to the head. " - Blue Oyster Cult /
Date: 4 Mar 90 04:49:40 GMT
.fsu.edu!boyd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mickey Boyd)
Message-ID: <9003040450.AA28595@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu>
In article <900223.22031795.042770@SFA.CP6>, Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252)
>Hello all,
> My monochrome SM124 died (flyback) and my dealer told me that no
>monochrome monitors are available. Upon calling just about every dealer
>and mail order firm for the ST that I could think of, I heard the same
>story. My dealer suggested that I sell him my Atari SC1224 (a very sharp
>and crisp 1985 version) and he would sell me a multisync and adaptor.
> Ok, first question.... does anyone have a monochrome monitor that they
>are not using?
> Second question.... how clear is the image in monochrome mode for a
>multisync monitor? I use Spectre GCR daily and don't want that product to
>be hurt.
> Many thanks for any comments...
>Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>
I have seen an Omnimon setup (comes with monitor and interface bundled), and
it is very impressive. The colors for the color display look much better,
the mono display looks just slighly grainy (from the color mask). It is
certainly usable, just not quite as super-crisp as an Atari mono. I am
seriously considering getting a multisync, with the hopes of getting a real
mono in the future (the color display is that much better, completely blows
away the Atari color monitors that I have seen). That way, if one monitor
dies, I do not have to suffer a work loss (although no Populous would really
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it."
mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: 3 Mar 90 23:08:18 GMT
From: mcgill-vision!clyde.concordia.ca!sherlock!agostino@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU
(DELIGIA agostino)
Subject: Saving the menu bar
Message-ID: <1890@clyde.concordia.ca>
Well, thanx to Samuel Streeper and Greg Lindahl for providing me with the
info on how to save the menu bar. I tried it and it works!
I have another question about our almighty GEM.
How exactly does GEM know when you intend to close a desk accessory? That is,
how does GEM know when to send the message AC_CLOSE to evnt_multi? The few
books I have on GEM do not go into much detail and I am confused.
Again, I'd appreciate any help I can get! :-)
Agostino Deligia
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #281